3 July 2014

Throwback Columbia

Hi guys. I had the greatest opportunity to travel to the USA for an exchange programme. It was obviously a great opportunity where I learned so many things. Some of my highlights was the shopping and the thrift shops. Yes even in other countries I thrift. It is so much hotter than any place I have ever been to. This was from May to August so it was during the height of their summer. Columbia days were filled with classes & seminars. Nights were filled with exploring downtown food joints and pubs. My Weekends I spent at stores such as the salvation army, thrift shops, flee markets and all those stores deemed ''hand me down'' stores by the Americans. 

I travelled to see other places such as museums etc. Mall shopping for me was more for the shoes. I loved shopping at Target and Payless shoes. I loved forever 21, H&M was my weekly highlight and high end I could not really afford. On this post I wore this very micro dress to a day spent exploring thrift shops.
Dress I made myself
Bag was $1 at a thrift store.

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